Wednesday, March 20, 2019

What we did today:
Today, Lindsey watched a video on how to wire and code an ultrasonic sensor. She wrote code and tested the sensors and they worked. Conor spent his time preparing the robot to receive the plastic layer in which the pi and the breadboard will sit. He also cut the plastic sheet.

Next steps...
  • attach all the ultrasonic sensors onto the robot now that we know how to code it
  • code the motors to work with the sensor code
  • put sensors on the front of the bot to find an object
  • Attach the plastic sheet to the robot
  • Connect the sensors to the pi

Pictures, code:

Resources for other table top robots:

The video on ultrasonic sensors with raspberry pi: ultrasonic sensor with rpi video
This video includes how to code the sensor and which pins should be attached where.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Conor-AM-Open Lab-30 min

Robot: Tabletop bot

Team: Lindsey, Conor

What I did: Today i finished building the holder for the raspberry pi on the robot. In the future I plan to install the ultrasonic sensors and hook everything to the raspberry pi. I also helped Lindsey get the VEX robot to climb up the platforms.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Table Top Erector Bot- Historical 2019-2019 AM Team

Historical Team Members:
2018-2019 - AM/PM Team - Lindsey, Conor, Mr Burnham (coach)

New launch Of New launch of Robot Club Project Pages

Hey SVCTE Mechatronics Robot Club teams, I'm launching a new process to capture your progress documenting your Robot Club projects. The goal is that we have a better and easier method to create a portfolio of engineering work you have done.  TBD, but I'll post a template and Rubric.

I'll also add your team mates as Blog Authors, you will see an invite... click accept.

I'll also post requests for specific data or content... so read the blog posts... it would be a good Idea to sign up for email notifications when a new blog post happens.